Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blog: Technology-induced medical errors: the wave of the future?

Technology-induced medical errors: the wave of the future?
By Denise Amrich, RN | November 9, 2011, 4:45am PST

Summary: Tuesday’s federal report addresses the strong need for safety in health IT without irresponsibly discouraging progress.

Electronic healthcare management is a really fascinating, promising topic, and most of the time, you hear people focusing on the improvements in patient care, as well as cost and time savings, partly because it helps make a case to get healthcare organizations on board with change.

The dark side of the topic is, of course, the less-often discussed and more threatening aspect of safety and security. Sometimes these fears are inflated for shock and horror or PR value. Sometimes they are glossed over. Rarely are they given credence or discussed in a detailed, productive manner. Scant attention has been paid to what harm may come from the widespread IT-ing of healthcare.

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