Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog: Testable System Administration

Testable System Administration
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by Mark Burgess | January 31, 2011
Topic: System Administration
    Testable System Administration

Models of indeterminism are changing IT management.


The methods of system administration have changed little in the past 20 years. While core IT 
technologies have improved in a multitude of ways, for many if not most organizations system 
administration is still based on production-line build logistics (aka provisioning) and reactive 
incident handling—an industrial-age method using brute-force mechanization to amplify a manual 
process. ... 
    ... Experienced system practitioners know deep down that they cannot think of system 
administration as a simple process of reversible transactions to be administered by hand; yet it is 
easy to see how the belief stems from classical teachings. ... At least half of computer science stems 
from the culture of discrete modeling ...To put it quaintly, “systems” are raised in 
laboratory captivity under ideal conditions, and released into a wild of diverse and challenging 
circumstances. Today, system administration still assumes, for the most part, that the world is simple 
and deterministic, but that could not be further from the truth. 
    ... In a test-driven approach, system state is regulated by continual reappraisal at a microscopic level, like having a groundskeeper watch continuously over an estate, plucking the weeds or applying a lick 
of paint where needed. Such an approach required the conceptual leap to a computable notion of 
maintenance. Maintenance can be defined by referring to a policy or model for an ideal system state. 
If such a model could somehow be described in terms of predictable, actionable repairs, in spite of 
environmental indeterminism, then automating maintenance would become a simple reality. ...
    The term compliance is often used today for correctness of state with respect to a model. If a system 
deviates from its model, then with proper automation it self-repairs, 2,4  somewhat like an autopilot 
that brings systems back on course. ... [T]hink about IT... in terms of goals rather than “building projects” ...
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