Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog: Cloud Robotics: Connected to the Cloud, Robots Get Smarter

Cloud Robotics: Connected to the Cloud, Robots Get Smarter
IEEE Spectrum (01/24/11) Erico Guizzo

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers are developing robots that use cloud computing to obtain new information and data. The method, known as cloud robotics, allows robots to offload compute-intensive tasks such as image processing and voice recognition. Cloud robotics could lead to lighter, cheaper, and faster robots, says CMU professor James Kuffner. He is working with Google to develop cloud robotics systems that involve "small mobile devices as Net-enabled brains for robots." In the future, cloud-enabled robots could become standardized, leading to an app store for robots, Kuffner says. "Coupling robotics and distributed computing could bring about big changes in robot autonomy," says Jean-Paul Laumond with France's Laboratory of Analysis and Architecture of Systems. Kuffner sees a future in which robots will feed data into a knowledge database, sharing their interactions with the world and learning about new objects, places, and behaviors.

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