Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blog: New Architects of Service-Oriented Computing, or SOC for Short!

New Architects of Service-Oriented Computing, or SOC for Short!
ICT Results (03/31/09)

European researchers working on the Sensoria project have developed service-oriented computing (SOC) tools for creating a robust software over service-oriented architecture. Sensoria project researchers have developed the Software Development Environment, which they say makes composing services easier through the use of graphical design tools. The services can be located dynamically and triggered by other services, and the relationship between the services is loose and flexible as a result of the nature of the SOC architecture. Service-oriented applications are designed using a standard Unified Modeling Language or domain-specific modeling languages as needed. At the back end, mathematical analysis helps to reveal bottlenecks, errors, or violations of service contracts. The project also developed mathematic foundations, techniques, and approaches to more pragmatic and reliable software engineering. Sensoria project developers say the key to scalable, cost-effective SOC is the ability to "compose" existing services so they perform higher-level functions that form new services in their own right and can be re-orchestrated into even higher-level compositions.

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