Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blog: Google Launches Google Code Labs

Google Launches Google Code Labs
eWeek (03/03/09) Taft, Darryl

Google has created a new Web site that will give outside developers an opportunity to contribute to the development of the company's products. Google Code Labs already offers more than 60 application programming interfaces (APIs) and tools that are in their early stages of development, says Google's Tom Stocky. Google will look to graduate APIs and tools from Google Code Labs, and will offer deprecation policies and other critical support services. The first set of graduates includes App Engine, Google Web Toolkit, AJAX Search API, Maps API, Earth API, Calendar Data API, and YouTube APIs. For example, each version of the Visualization API terms, Contacts Data API terms, and Picasa Web Albums Data API terms will be supported for at least three years from when they are deprecated or a newer version is introduced. Google also will require a dedicated, ongoing engineering team and comprehensive test suite to graduate an API from Code Labs. Some graduated products may have experimental features that allow them to be changed or removed at any time.

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