Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Blog: New Approach Eliminates Software Deadlocks Using Discrete Control Theory

New Approach Eliminates Software Deadlocks Using Discrete Control Theory
University of Michigan News Service (12/02/08) Moore, Nicole Casal

University of Michigan (UM) researchers have developed Gadara, a software controller that can anticipate and prevent program deadlocks. "Previously, engineers would try to identify potential deadlocks through testing or program analysis and then go back and rewrite the program," says UM professor Stephane Lafortune. "The bug fixes were manual, and not automatic. Gadara automates the process." Yin Wang, a doctoral student working with Lafortune, says that problems such as deadlocks usually need to be solved by the original programmer, but the goal of Gadara is to allow anyone to solve the problem. Deadlocks are becoming an increasingly pressing problem as multicore chips become more common and more complex, and as software programs perform many more tasks simultaneously. Gadara works by analyzing a program to find potential deadlocks, and inserting control logic into the program to ensure the program does not deadlock. Lafortune says Gadara uses a unique combination of discrete control theory and complier technology, which provides the logic and allows Gadara to use feedback to prevent deadlocks. The compiler technology, developed by UM professor Scott Mahlke, enables Gadara to operate on real-world applications.

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