Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blog: Dynamic Language Use Pops in Asia

Dynamic Language Use Pops in Asia
eWeek (12/16/08) Taft, Darryl K.

Dynamic programming languages such as PHP, Perl, JavaScript, Ruby, and Python have caught on in a big way in Asia, according to an Evans Data survey of more than 400 software developers in the Asia-Pacific region. Evans Data found that 88 percent of developers use dynamic languages some of the time, and more than 40 percent said they use one more than half of the time. Most Asian developers use JavaScript, but PHP also is used in some of the projects of 45 percent of developers. Overall, the use of dynamic languages is likely to remain the same in 2009, but the use of Perl could decline while the use of ActionScript rises. "Software developers are always looking for ways to shed unneeded complexity and outdated methodologies and move to approaches that make programming simpler and faster, especially as more and more development is Web-centric," says Evans Data CEO John Andrews. "The high use of dynamic languages in Asia Pacific is consistent with the high concentration of Web application development being conducted in that region." The study also found that more than 20 percent of developers plan to launch cloud projects within the next six months, and 60 percent expect their development for devices to increase.

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