Monday, April 28, 2008

Research: Prize Wining Scientist Wins Another Prize; Daphne Koller - Artificial Evidence

Prize Wining Scientist Wins Another Prize
Wall Street Journal (04/28/08) Clark, Don

Stanford University computer scientist Daphne Koller has won the first-ever ACM-Infosys Foundation Award for her ground-breaking research in artificial intelligence. Koller's work unites two disciplines to help solve difficult computing problems. The first field, sometimes identified with databases and relational logic, traditionally focused on representing complex relationships between groups of objects. The second field uses theories about probabilities to project outcomes of situations that involve significant uncertainty. "The two communities each had valid points," Koller says. "They were almost in conflict with each other." Combining the two approaches makes it possible to sort through massive amounts of data to find new insights. Koller has been particularly focused on developing ways of analyzing significant amounts of genetic data to find explanations for how genes function, as well as working on large sets of data from sensors and cameras with the goal of improving machine vision to help robots navigate. Koller won a MacArthur fellowship "genius grant" in 2004.
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