Friday, April 4, 2008

Research: McCormick Researchers Take Step Toward Creating Quantum Computers

McCormick Researchers Take Step Toward Creating Quantum Computers
Northwestern University (04/04/08)

Northwestern University researchers have demonstrated one of the basic building blocks for distributed quantum computing using entangled photons generated in optical fibers. "Because it is done with fiber and the technology that is already globally deployed, we think that it is a significant step in harnessing the power of quantum computers," says Northwestern professor Prem Kumar. The superposition of a quantum bit, or qubit, would allow a quantum computer to process significantly more information than a traditional computer. Kumar's group, which uses photons as qubits, found that they can entangle two indistinguishable photons in an optical fiber by using the fiber's inherent nonlinear response. The researchers also found that no matter how far the two photons are separated in standard transmission fibers, they remain entangled and "mysteriously" connected to each other's quantum state. Kumar and his team used the fiber-generated indistinguishable photons to implement the most basic quantum computer task, a controlled-NOT gate, which allows two photonic qubits to interact. DARPA has funded the group's next research effort, which will study how to implement a quantum network for physically demonstrating efficient public goods strategies, such as government contract auctions that would be able to find the most inexpensive contract arrangements by pairing contractors that have previous experience working together.
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