Friday, July 15, 2011

Blog: Machines to Compare Notes Online?

Machines to Compare Notes Online?
AlphaGalileo (07/15/11)

Autonomous machines, networks, and robots should publish their own suggestions for upgrading the technology on the Internet, says the University of Southampton's Sandor Veres. Giving machines and systems a greater degree of self-control will be the best way to improve them in the future, but humans will be more likely to guide and trust them if their dialogue is transparent, Veres says. An autonomously operating technical system would have some modeling of a changing environment; learning of various skills in feedback interaction with the environment; symbolic recognition of events and actions to perform logic-based computation; the ability to explain reasons of own actions to humans; and efficient transfer of rules, goals, values, and skills from human users to the autonomous system. Veres says the natural language programming sEnglish system could be used to achieve the last three technical features. "The adoption of a 'publications for machines' approach can bring great practical benefits by making the business of building autonomous systems viable in some critical areas where a high degree of intelligence is needed and safety is paramount," Veres says.

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