Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blog: New Google Tool Makes Websites Twice as Fast

New Google Tool Makes Websites Twice as Fast
Technology Review (11/03/10) Erica Naone

Google has released mod_pagespeed, free software for Apache servers that could make many Web sites load twice as fast. Once installed, the software spontaneously determines way to optimize a Web site's performance. "We think making the whole Web faster is critical to Google's success," says Google's Richard Rabbat. The tool could be especially useful to small Web site operators and anyone that uses content management systems to operate their Web sites, since they often lack the technical savvy and time needed to make their own speed improvements to Web server software. During testing, mod_pagespeed was able to make some Web sites load three times faster, depending on how much optimization had already been done. The program builds on Google's existing Page Speed program, which measures the speed at which Web sites load and offers suggestions on how to make them load faster.

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