Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog: Automated Biometric Recognition Technologies 'Inherently Fallible,' Better Science Base Needed

Automated Biometric Recognition Technologies 'Inherently Fallible,' Better Science Base Needed
National Academy of Sciences (09/24/10) Molly Galvin ; Christopher White

A National Research Council (NRC) study found that biometric systems designed to automatically recognize individuals based on biological and behavioral traits are inherently fallible, and no single trait was found to be stable and distinctive across all groups. "For nearly 50 years, the promise of biometrics has outpaced the application of the technology," says Hewlett-Packard technologist Joseph N. Pato. "While some biometric systems can be effective for specific tasks, they are not nearly as infallible as their depiction in popular culture might suggest." Biometric systems provide "probabilistic results," meaning that confidence in results must be tempered by an understanding of the inherent uncertainty in any given system, according to the NRC report. The report identifies several features a biometric system should have, including the ability to anticipate and plan for errors, and calls for additional research to strengthen biometric science and improve its effectiveness.

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