Friday, August 20, 2010

Blog: W3C Launches Web Performance Working Group

W3C Launches Web Performance Working Group
Government Computer News (08/20/10) Mackie, Kurt

A new World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) working group will focus on improving the measurement of Web application performance times. Representatives from Microsoft and Google will co-chair the Web Performance Working Group, which will initially create a common application programming interface (API) for measuring Web page loading and Web app performance. The companies have been working independently on the problem, but will now pool their efforts. Microsoft has implemented W3C's Web Timing draft spec in its third platform review of Internet Explorer 9. Google has implemented the Web Timing spec into the WebKit rendering engine, which powers its Chrome browser, and says performance metrics are now accessible by developers for the Chrome 6 browser. The companies use vendor-specific prefixes for their implementations of the Web Timing spec. "With two early implementations available, it shouldn't take long to finalize an interoperable API and remove the vendor prefixes," says Microsoft's Jason Weber.

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