Monday, April 26, 2010

Blog: Dynamic Nimbus Cloud Deployment Wins Challenge Award at Grid5000 Conference

Dynamic Nimbus Cloud Deployment Wins Challenge Award at Grid5000 Conference
Argonne National Laboratory (04/26/10) Taylor, Eleanor

The Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago's Nimbus toolkit, an open source set of software tools for providing cloud computing implementations, was demonstrated at the recent Grid5000 conference in France. Grid5000 is a testbed for studying large-scale systems using thousands of nodes distributed across nine sites in France and Brazil. University of Rennes student Pierre Riteau deployed Nimbus on hundreds of nodes spread across three Grid5000 sites to create a distributed virtual cluster. The deployment won Riteau the Grid5000 Large Scale Deployment Challenge Award. Argonne computer scientist Kate Keahey says the deployment was one of the largest to date and created a distributed environment that opens up computational opportunities for scientists by creating a "sky computing" cluster.

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