Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog: Mapping the Malicious Web

Mapping the Malicious Web
Technology Review (03/09/10) Lemos, Robert

Websense researchers have developed FireShark, software that automatically monitors malicious activity on Web sites. Websense researcher Stephan Chenette says the experimental system scans the Web, identifies the source of embedded content in Web pages, and determines whether any code on a site is acting maliciously. FireShark then creates a map of interconnected Web sites and looks for potentially malicious content. FireShark, which maps nearly one million Web sites and servers per day, decodes the HTML, Javascript, and other code embedded in each Web site, looking for the ultimate source of content. "When you graph multiple sites, you can see their communities of content," Chenette says. Websense researchers plan to release a plug-in for Firefox that will reveal the content hubs that a site is linked to.

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