Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blog: U.S. Scientists Given Access to Cloud Computing

U.S. Scientists Given Access to Cloud Computing
New York Times (02/04/10) Markoff, John

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and Microsoft have agreed to offer U.S. scientific researchers free access to a new cloud computing service called Azure. The three-year project aims to give scientists the computing power to handle large amounts of research data. Access to the service will come in the form of grants from the foundation. Recently, emphasis has been placed on computing systems capable of storing and analyzing vast amounts of data. "We're trying to figure out how to engage the majority of scientists," says Microsoft's Dan Reed. He says Microsoft is prepared to invest millions of dollars in the program, which could provide thousands of scientists with access to the cloud computing service. "It's all about data," says Jeannette M. Wing, NSF's assistant director of computer and information science and engineering directorate. "We are generating streams and rivers of data."

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