Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blog: Researchers to Spotlight Darknets at Black Hat

Researchers to Spotlight Darknets at Black Hat
PC World (07/15/09) Vamosi, Robert

Hewlett-Packard security researchers Billy Hoffman and Matt Wood are planning to demonstrate a darknet that is capable of running entirely within a browser at the upcoming Black Hat USA conference. The darknet allows decentralized, private peer-to-peer communications, like other darknets, though it runs through a proof-of-concept browser called Veiled. Hoffman and Wood say their darknet offers a number of advantages over other darknets. For instance, their darknet is easier to use than darknets such as WASTE, which is used in the academic world to share data among researchers. In addition, the Veiled browser has a feature called Web-in-Web that enables darknet users to create private Web pages with links to content that is only available in the darknet. Like other darknets, the darknet created by Hoffman and Wood cannot be viewed by average users on the Internet, which means that it is ideal for users who want to create Web pages that they want to hide from the government, for example. Hoffman and Wood say that their talk at Black Hat USA will not provide many details about their darknet or Veiled, but they note that it will allow anyone with a passing knowledge of Web technology to go out and create their own darknet.

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