Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blog: Study: Use of Ruby Language on the Rise

Study: Use of Ruby Language on the Rise
eWeek (10/14/08) Taft, Darryl K.

The use of the Ruby programming language has grown significantly over the past four years, according to a study based on Black Duck Software's Koders.com search engine data. Ruby is now used more widely than PHP, Python, and Perl, and nearly as much as Visual Basic, C/C++, and C#. Black Duck says Ruby is now the fourth most requested language on Koders.com, behind Java, C/C+, and C#, and the number of Ruby searches has increased more than 20 fold since 2004. "Black Duck's search data confirms the tremendous growth that we are seeing within the community of Ruby developers," says RubyForge.org system administrator Tom Copeland. "It's great to see a leading code search site like Koders.com index RubyForge because it represents another way to make the projects in our community available to tens of thousands of developers worldwide." Ruby, used along with the Ruby on Rails framework, will reach 4 million developers worldwide by 2013, says Gartner's Mark Driver. "Ruby will enjoy a higher concentration among corporate IT developers than typical, dynamic 'scripting' languages, such as PHP," Driver says. Black Duck acquired Koders.com in April and has since enhanced the code search service by adding more than 200 million lines of code to the search engine's repository, increasing its size by 33 percent.

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