Monday, November 17, 2008

Blog: 11 "Laws of IT Physics"

November 17th, 2008

11 “Laws of IT Physics”

Posted by Michael Krigsman @ 6:02 am

Given high rates of failed IT projects, it’s helpful to examine first principles that underlie successful technology deployments. Even though devils live in the details, understanding basic dynamics behind successful project setup, execution, and management is important.

During testimony before Congress, in a hearing titled “The Dismal State of Federal Information Technology Planning,” Norm V. Brown, Executive Director of the Center for Program Transformation, an IT failures think tank, presented what he calls “Laws of IT Physics™.”

These “Laws” highlight hidden pitfalls the hurt many projects, and help explain why some projects succeed while others fail. They recognize that successful IT project delivery is primarily about managing people, process, and deliverables. Yes, technology is important, but the people side comes first.

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