Friday, January 18, 2008

Web: A 'Swift' Kick to the Secure Development Process

A 'Swift' Kick to the Secure Development Process
Dark Reading (01/18/08) Spande, Nathan
Developers will be able to easily create secure, robust, and high-performance Web applications using a new system called Swift. Developed by a group at Cornell University, Swift allows developers to write code using a variant of Java, applying sensitivity labels to variables. Developers then feed the code into a series of programs that use the labels to determine which code is to reside on the server, on the client, and in both places. The code handles synchronization, and translates the requisite client code into JavaScript. The resulting application will not be as fast as an optimally designed system, but the performance cost should be minimal. Client code is generated using the Google Web Toolkit with fixes transparently adopted by a simple recompilation, and although the code is exposed to any bugs in the toolkit, developers are able to use a suitable client-side framework due to the loose coupling of the front end. Swift was the subject of a paper at the 2007 ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.
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