Microsoft Rolls Out Publishing and Research Tools for Academics
Chronicle of Higher Education (07/31/08) Monaghan, Peter
Microsoft has released a set of software tools intended to help scholars and publishers write, edit, and publish academic articles, as well as navigate difficult copyright issues and find and share scholarly data. The tools are add-ons for Microsoft Office Word and are available for free to licensed users of Word and other Microsoft products. One tool, the Article Authoring Add-in for Word 2007, enables authors to structure and annotate their documents according to formats required by publishers and digital archives. The tool allows users to create documents in the format developed by the National Library of Medicine's PubMed Central. Users will also be able to shape the software to suit other formats because the code for the software is openly accessible and freely adaptable. The products are intended to make it easier for authors and editors to electronically embed into papers details about the research process and results, such as bibliographies and key phrases. Microsoft says the goal is to help readers who conduct searches in electronic databases find relevant articles more easily.
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